Gas bill dating back 21 Months


New Member
Jul 11, 2010

I used to live in a shared house until last March. When I lived in the house the gas bill was in my name. Now I found out that we received an outstandinig bill. Our gas consumtion has been underestimated over a period of 21 Months. Is it legal to issue a bill that goes that far back? (see email from British Gas below)

My problem is now that quite a few people lived in this house during this time period and it will be impossible to track everyone down and making them pay their share of the bill. Please help! :(

Thank you for any comments. :)


Dear Ms...

Thank you for your yesterday's email about the final gas bill details.

I had a look at your gas account and found we had been billing your account to incorrect readings. So we have cancelled all the previous bills and re-billed your account on your readings of 8927. This bill covers the period from 16 May 2008 to 3 March 2010. The gas consumed at the property during this period was very high. We had under-estimated your accounts ignoring your actual readings so we have applied a credit of £4197.12 on your gas account. We have also receive a payment of £1102.38 and this has been included in the bill.

The gas used for the above period is £6871. The debit balance on your account is £1924.04. Please call us on 0800 048 0404* to make your payment in full. Please provide your forwarding address on the above number so that we can send a copy of this bill to you.