Whatconsumer.co.uk Forum Rules

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Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
Forum Rules

This thread is for the forums rules, which are required to make this a great place to hang out online.

Enjoy your stay


We take pride in keeping our forum respectful, pleasant, and enjoyable for members of all ages. Please read the following guidelines before posting.

Advertising & Spam

Advertising is strictly prohibited on the forum.
Any post or profile avatar that is considered advertising for one's self-interests, including the promotion of any site shall be removed from the forums.

The sending of private messages to members which include adverts or links is strictly prohibited. Any member found sending advert messages will be banned.

While you are allowed to promote your web site(s) in your profile signature, you are not permitted to post links to sites you run or are in any way affiliated with in your posts. In addition, users are not permitted to post any kind of affiliate program link with referrer IDs. Repeat violators who post promotional content will be permanently banned.

Lastly, if it is abundantly clear that a user has no intention of contributing to discussions but instead merely attempting to avoid the minimum post limit in order to spam links, the posts will be deleted and the account may be banned.


Our community is family-friendly and therefore the use of bad language is not allowed. This includes the use of any kind of offensive, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate material.
Inappropriate language will be removed and users will be warned.


If you have something to post and you're not sure which area it belongs in, do not post it in all areas. If the administrators or moderators think it would fit better in another location, it will be moved there. Duplicate threads only serve to create confusion.


A typical signature contains the poster's name, e-mail address, website, and a favorite quote or saying. Excessive font sizes are not allowed. Anyone abusing this privilege will be warned and then have their signature removed until they acknowledge this guideline.

Legal Advice

Though the information on this site has been provided to the best of the advisors knowledge, the information does not constitute professional financial or legal advice and you should carry out your own research to verify anything you find on this site or seek professional advice.

Advice is taken at your own risk and WhatConsumer takes no responsibility for the actions taken based upon the information on this site.

Thank you for reading and we wish you a pleasant experience here on WhatConsumer.co.uk
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