
New Member
Sep 19, 2008
When it comes to buying an engagement ring one should never compromise on quality. You might have to shell out some extra pounds but you should ensure that the ring you buy is the best engagement ring for the best moment of your life. But while spending the money doesn’t go blind and pay in accordance to the size, quality and design of the ring no matter if it is diamond engagement ring or a gold engagement ring.

Carat weight is used for measuring gemstones. The weight of smaller diamonds is often expressed as points, not carats. There are 100 points in a single carat. Larger diamonds are scarce and as a result are in more demand as compared to smaller ones of the same quality, so they are sold at a higher price. A one carat diamond engagement ring is almost always costlier than a diamond ring made up of several small diamonds of similar quality are total of one carat or more. So keep these vital points in mind when you are buying diamond engagement ring.

Also go through the credentials of the dealer with whom you are dealing with. Thoroughly check the authenticity of the engagement ring, the number of cuts, quality of frame and everything. After all it’s a huge investment and very crucial too as it intended for none other than your loved one. So begin your work early and end it with the best deal by selecting the best engagement ring at the right price.