Ethical banking


Apr 22, 2009
As soon as I wrote the title, I wondered if there even was such a thing. I would like to think so, but even if there is, I am not using it. I want to, but I don't for purely selfish reasons. I need the overdraft facility I have at present and none of the 'ethicals' offer me the same deal.
Have any of you made a switch purely for altruistic reasons? I would like to bank with the Co-op and will when I am more financially stable.
I have a small Credit Union account, but again, I need more from my savings than they offer.
What constitutes ethical anyway? Is there a simple answer to that? Does it amount to more than just not investing in companies that are known to be exploitative, and/or arms dealers?
Anyone got any positive thoughts on the matter?


New Member
Apr 25, 2009
I consider that it is wrong to try to impart the ways of one people onto another. One of the most ridiculous I read is that "a person in Africa only earns £2 per day" or some such story. That might be a low wage here, but high in living standard elsewhere. What is good ethics in one world situation may certainly not be suitable for another.