E-victims.org: Guardian jobs site hacked


What Consumer Founder
Apr 7, 2008
The Guardian newspaper's jobs website has warned 500,000 users that hackers may have got hold of private information held on the site after a "sophisticated and deliberate" attack.

The paper said not all users were at risk, and it has emailed those who are. The email, sent on Saturday, said data relating to job applications "may have been accessed". It said the incident was now being investigated by the central e-crime unit at New Scotland Yard.
1) Contact your creditors, even if they have not been affected, so that they can monitor your accounts to ensure they remain protected.

2) Contact a credit reference agency: Callcredit, Equifax or Experian provide suggested steps to resolve the situation and prevent it happening again.

3) Contact CIFAS protective registration: If you think you have been a victim of identity theft you should consider subscribing to CIFAS. This places a notice on your credit file indicating that your name and address may be used to perpetrate identity...

Guardian jobs site hacked