Advice needed please.


New Member
Aug 7, 2012
Hi and I apologise in advance for this being quite long windered and also if this is in wrong the place.
I'm looking for some advice on behalf of my eighty four year old mum. She recently had G4S come around and change the gas meter. Prior to the changing of the meter, the engineer did a test and it showed that there was a leak somewhere and changed the meter over. On completion the engineer tested again and it was still showing a leak and the gas supply was capped from the new gas unit - fair enough. I don't have a problem with that.
I got a gas safe engineer to do a trace and repair. The gas safe engineer spent more than one hour tracking down the first fault which was the join that the G4S engineer did connecting the new pipe to the old lead one. Once that was sealed then he identified the cooker being the source of the leak and this was then condemened and capped off, then the gas supply was turned back on.
The fact that half the time was spent tracing a leak created by G4S, I felt they could compensate my mum for some of the cost of the trace and repair since one of the leaks identified was created by G4S and if they had done the joint seal correctly then the leak of the cooker would have been identified straight away as there is only two items that use gas - one being the cooker and the other being the central heating system.
I spoke with G4S customer services and a manager called me back a day later and once I explained the situation they said that they could not do anything - they have done the job properly and even the fact that my mum paid for the trace and repair with her pension to fix one of the leaks caused by the G4S engineer was sort pushed aside saying that there was a leak there already so they don't have offer any assistance or re-imburshment.

Is this right? Or should I pursue this further for my mum - could anyone offer any guidance or advice how to deal with this matter.

Many Thanks.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Obviously G4S can't cause a gas leak and then absolve themselves of responsibility because there is already one on the cooker!

In their defence, the first thing your gas engineer should have checked is the new installation so not sure he should have spent an hour looking for it!

However I would send G4S an invoice for the hour plus any other costs relating to their botched installation and see what response you get, you have a few options if they refuse to pay up.