Advice on a mis-leading sale


New Member
Oct 18, 2010

I recently purchased some wine from a salesman (a group of us did a wine tasting session and made a purchase afterwards). When we asked prices we were clearly told verbally that they were £14.99 (it varied) a bottle for example. We are a group of friends so 'Joe Public' the consumer, not a business/wholesaler or anything like that.

Based on this assumption of cost, the invoice was signed for and a payment made. We later noticed that VAT and a delivery charge had been added whereby there was no mention of this before when we asked the price.

The problem we have is that we signed the form with that total at the bottom that had the VAT/delivery added on, it just wasn't noticed - an assumption was incorrectly made that it was the total for X bottles at the prices given verbally.

I will be the first to admit that its our own fault for not checking the amount before signing, though I am trying to work out if I have any defence against what I feel has been a salesman deliberately misleading me on price. The VAT was quite simply hidden in plain sight so were left with a 20% higher bill that expected.

Do we have any come back to this do you think? I'm struggling to find anything that would say we do.


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Was this a wholesale business? HM Revenue & Customs are quite clear that

Prices in retail shops

Prices advertised to the public in ordinary retail shops include VAT. No tax will be added to the price when you pay. This is a legal requirement.
However if it was purchased from a wholesaler and you were aware of this, you have no comeback.


New Member
Oct 18, 2010
hmmm. I guess that the company could be a wholesaler themselves though I'm not sure.

I cant post the link but you can Google 'Shawbury Vinters' and its the first result if you want to take a look?

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Look like a retailer to me, mixed cases, Christmas selections, doesn't appear to be wholesale, can't see any minimum quantities, I'm guessing they just don't know the law!