Amazon A-Z guarantee

Lynda Howard

New Member
Jun 10, 2011
I recently bought an Amazon Marketplace item (Rosetta Stone software) which proved to be 'used' not 'new' as advertised. I returned the item (signed for) but they have apparently been 'lost in the post' and no signature is recorded.

I am attempting to claim under the A-Z guarantee but Amazon insist I must claim compensation from the Post Office. Since the software was used it is therefore of no value so what do I claim?

Has anyone else successfully claimed under Amazons guarantee? They claim to be the most customer oriented company on earth but I am having difficulty getting my point across that I was sent the wrong goods! The seller even admitted this but will not give me a refund without his (useless) software back.
As a result I am £200 down and wasting lots of time on phonecalls, emails etc.

Any advice would be appreciated.:)

Lynda Howard

New Member
Jun 10, 2011
An update:
After a series of emails to Amazon, including ones to the MD and executive directors, I have received a refund under the guarantee scheme - after they had refused before.
Still no reply to the emails and no explanation but I suppose you can't have everything! :) :)


New Member
Aug 9, 2012
Robbed by Amazon in true sense of the word

Hi Everyone, here is a copy of recent correspondence that we have had with Amazon. All of the details of the case have been explained in copied email and I have also included a copy of their response. Please be very aware of dealing with Amazon and selling goods through their website. We have been left without funds and £400 mobile phone handset.

1.Our email to them;

Please fill in the following information:

Date order placed: 23/02/2012

Order Number: 203-9813150-8951530


Please describe the issue:

Hi there, We would like for someone to have a look at the circumstances of a case and how the case was handled by Amazon.

The item was originally purchased on the 23/02/2012 which was more than 4 months ago. Item developed a fault last month and the customer returned it to us to have it looked at. We said that we will try to repair it and have even offered a replacement. The customer was not happy with the replacement and wanted a full refund.

We contacted seller support on 04/07/2012 and told them of the particulars of this case, the fact that someone wants a full refund 4 months after using a very expensive handset, they told us that we dont have to refund the customer and as the item is under manufacturer warranty that he(customer) can send it back to the manufacturer. We have tried to help the customer by offering repair service, replacement handset but he just wanted a refund after using a product for 4 months.

The buyer filed a claim on Monday 09/07/2012, 5 days after we were in touch with seller support and after we were instructed to tell the buyer that he is not entitled to a refund.

There is a record of this conversation and advice relating to this particular case and it is logged on your system.

As a result of the advice given to us by seller support and upon which we acted accordingly the A-Z gurantee claim was granted in favor of the buyer so he recieved a full refund and he also never returned the original item Blackberry 9900.

We have been left without the goods and without the money. So in short, we have been advised by seller support on how to act in this case and we still after doing so lost out considerably for some reason. A number of times a call has been made to Amazon Seller support, they did not understand either how this situation developed in favour of the buyer and we were advised each time to contact you via email. Can you have someone look into handling of this case and get back to us.

Below are some of the particulars of the whole case; 1. This item was originally purchased on the 23/02/2012 which was more than 4 months ago. 2. Item developed a fault last month and the customer returned it to us to have it looked at instead of sending it to the maufacturer for a warranty repair as it is outside of 3 month period. We said that we will try to repair it and have even offered a replacement. The customer was not happy with the replacement and wanted a full refund.

3. We contacted seller support and told them of the particulars of this case, the fact that someone wants a full refund 4 months after using a very expensive handset, they told us that we don't have to refund the customer and as the item is under manufacturer warranty that he(customer) can send it back to the manufacturer.

4. Customer recieved the item back via special delivey ref ZW730673628GB on the 09/07/2012.

5. Customer is still in the posession of the original item(white blackberry bold 9900) 6. Also under your terms and conditions the Timeframe for Claims: You must wait 3 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date for an order (as indicated in the order details in 'Your Account') or 30 days from the order date, whichever is sooner. You can submit a claim up to 90 days after the order date. If you have received a materially different item, you must contact the seller within fourteen (14) days of receipt to request return information. Warranty Coverage: If your item becomes defective more than 30 days past the dispatch date and it is under warranty, you might also want to consider contacting the manufacturer for repair or replacement. 7. Item has been with the customer for more than 4 months. Please look at the particulars of this case again in more detail

2. Their email to us;

Greetings from

As mentioned previously, we have reviewed the buyer's claim and the information you provided. We have determined that this A-to-z Guarantee claim will remain unchanged.

We understand that you may not agree with this decision, but we will not be able to assist you further with this claim and there will be no further response to your e-mail messages regarding this transaction.

Thank you for selling with



Account Specialist

A-to-z Guarantee Program