Amazon Refunds?


New Member
Jul 27, 2012
Apologies if this is in the wrong category!

Hi all,

As a newbie, I wonder if anyone can offer any advice on this please.

First question... My wife and I started our own on-line business retailing in footwear. One of the platforms we retail on is Amazon and have done for a year. It came to light in a recent email that pro sellers are being forced to comply with amazons 30 day return policy on unwanted goods, e.g "change of mind". I believe this is a little unfair as I understood 14 days is a fair "cooling off" period. What are your thoughts please?

Second question ... This leads me to think is it legal!!
I found out during a conversation with the customer support team that when a seller refunds a customer order, instead of 100% fees being returned, they only return 80% (up to £5) keeping the rest. As mentioned we sell shoes and in this trade you get a hefty return rate of around 15% of orders so you can imagine the 20% kept will add up to quite an amount. Second part to this question is that not all pro sellers are charged this as some get all 100% back, if they are old Pro sellers on the old platform. Here is an email stating this:.....

Please be informed, that in the past we had a completely different platform on Amazon for our sellers. The sellers on the old platform (individual and also professional) have much less features. For example they have no shipping settings and they can't sell on other marketplaces at the same time, but on the other hand they receive back 100% of the fees taken after refunds.

It is not possible any more to sign up for the old platform. All our seller which are not selling for many years are automatically on the new platform and they all have the unified European account.

I can ensure you, that even though the sellers on the old platform are receiving back 100% of the fees having a unified European account has much more advantages. Especially the option to sell also on other marketplaces and the shipping settings.

We are not really speaking about these two different platforms just to avoid massive complaints. The true reason we had to create the new platform is we couldn't manage to launch the new features on the old one. Unfortunately we couldn't manage to just simple transfer all the sellers from one platform to another either.

I hope you appreciate my honest explanation.

So my long drawn out question is .. are Amazon allowed to not fully refund fees when I have to refund an order.

Thanks for any help.
