Animal Charities


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
This posting isn't a direct act of cruelty, but my story is of how the Cats Protection League have treated me and to make people wary of this organisation and question their adoption procedure every step of the way, so you can avoid the heartache I have had to endue over the last 5 months.
I have had many years of happiness, viewing the cats especially at the Derby Branch on Long Lane and giving to the charity on a monthly basis, so when I lost my darling Penny last May to old age (she was 20) I went up at there, with a view to purchasing a cat off them, feeling I was putting something back to the welfare of these cats, who were just looking for love and a new home.

On their open day, this one eared, 2 year old stray cat named Ebony had caught my eye. I stayed for a viewing, there was no malice, almost an instant bond and I knew she was coming home with me.

Seeing that she only had one ear I enquired into how she had lost it, was she a fighter? The answer I was given was that there had been a lump, but nothing sinister had been found. She had also had some dental work done.

From this information and from questions asked on the day I picked her up , always giving me the impression that they had carried out the operations, because how could they have that sort of information reassuring me of her clean bill of health, without having done a biopsy, you can’t guess a diagnosis.

I was informed too that when I took her home, all her medical information would be forwarded on to Pet Plan, because they have a pact with them insuring the cat for it's first month in the hope that you will continue with them.

Before the end of that first month, I spoke to Pet Plan, who refused to insure Ebony, because they didn't have any information about the missing ear, they made me feel as if I was keeping something from them and instructed me to contact the branch to find out what was going on. I did so and was told they would forward the notes. They never did as I never heard anything back from Petplan.

Then two months after I had taken her home, I found lump, just below the stump of the missing ear. I immediately took her to my vets and within days a biopsy had taken place, results promising to begin with, but it was decided to remove the lump (growing fast) and take another biopsy of the stump as it had become very swollen too.

Before I received the worst possible news I had tried to contact customer Care Team at Head Office, on three occasions and had no reply apart from we will contact you in due course. Then out of the blue the manager from Derby phoned and said she believed I was having problems with Ebony.

I replied that the problem wasn't with Ebony but with them, as what was promised hadn’t been delivered. Their attitude was that they couldn’t be expected to have all the medical notes to the stray cats; my reply was that they could if they had removed the ear.
It was only then that I was told that they never carried out the operation at all and didn't know who did. She then even suggested that if I wasn't happy I could return her to the centre, this was after firstly telling me at adoption that she could not be returned. You may be a little shocked to hear that I lost my rag at this point, she couldn't understand why; so I put down the phone.
I then sent another email to the customer care department and received no answer.
On the 14th December and after my vet received a few bits and pieces off Derby I was given that dreadful news that it was terminal cancer, rare in a cat that young.
She was put to sleep on the 20th December, we celebrated Christmas early.

Before Christmas, but after Ebony had gone, I contacted a Solicitor for their advise.
The issue isn't financial it's the deception of it all, selling Ebony on without fully disclosing what they knew, denying me the opportunity to judge as to whether I took her or not.

Back in November they informed me and my vet that they didn't know who had taken off the ear, but they have now admitted to my solicitor that they did know and have named the practise in question.

Armed with that information my vet has stated that he would have phoned them directly to find out more (as is worked out, this made no odds to Ebony, her destiny was fixed), but the absence of information from them makes you think who else are they fooling. To top things, Ebony is listed on the other surgeries notes as a 10 years old and they sold me her as a 2 year old. I would not have taken on an older cat if I had known this, again the wool pulled over my eyes. If you are still reading, you might be asking how she had a date of birth. We believe now that she wasn't a stray, as after getting her home it was evident that she wasn't, because she was fully aware of her name and this wasn't a random one given to her, she had had this name for along time.

This is the information I was given on the 16th September 2011 whilst sitting at the Derby Adoption centre on Long Lane.
I was adopting a 2 year old, one eared cat, which had been taken into the Stoke area and brought over to the Derby Branch for re-homing.
The ear was removed due to a mass/lump, but nothing sinister found and she was covered for the first month by Petplan. The adoption staff also stated that reading between the lines, she felt she wasn’t a stray as the notes indicated that the person bringing her in was far to upset just to be bringing in a stray.

Having then contacted a solicitor, Head Office had to reply to their letter and I started to find out a whole different story.

These are the excuses they have given me to my questions sent to them.

1. The customer care department was having a reshuffle of staff in November Mark Gillies was unaware of the procedures and was unaware that a member of staff at the Derby Branch was visually impaired and couldn’t read emails!!

2. They aren’t obliged to send on information to Petplan if they haven’t carried out the work in the first place! This disturbs me slightly as there are a great deal of disfigured cats at adoption centres, like Ebony, so how do you find out this matter until it’s too late. I have tried to confirm this fact, have sent two emails and today have written to Petplan asking them to confirm this statement, because in Ebony’s case she wasn’t then covered and surely there should be a chain of insurance, because I would have been obliged to mention it, so why not the centre?

3. They stated that they had tried on several occasions to obtain the notes from the vets in Stoke but they refused to send them.
I wrote to the vet in Stoke to ask them if they had refused to send her medical notes and they wrote back to state that there had been no request until January 2012, after my Solicitor had contacted Head Office.

Head Office have gone round in circles, never getting back to the main question as to why I was deceived on adoption day?

Without the intervention from a solicitor I would have never known the truth, even though the full truth will never really come out.

Head Office still believe that Derby have done nothing wrong and for some reason continue to defend their corner, but please keep reading and decided for yourself if on hearing the following, would have entered into this contract.

At the end of the day, after all the Waffle - this is what I should have heard on the 16th September 2011

“We have a one eared black cat that was brought into a vets surgery in Stoke and operated on, with funds from two animal charities, the RSPCA and Animal Welfare paid for the surgery. The person who brought her in for treatment took her home and brought her to us (Derby Branch). She is a 10 year old cat and we can’t say what the lump was as the vets in Stoke didn’t do any further test.
As we didn’t carry out the operation, we aren’t obliged to inform Petplan of her missing ear.
Would you still like to adopt this cat?”

Obviously, armed with this correct information it would have been my decision and the outcome would have solely been with me. I should have been given the full truth at adoption.
The true answer to the above, is no on every level, because I wasn’t looking for an older cat with any possible underlying medical problems.

Ask me if I’m glad I did take her and the answer is yes, she was beautiful and had a dignified end, which wouldn’t have been the case if she had been left at the Derby Branch, as they never had her full welfare at heart when she was alive, so they wouldn’t have given a damn about what happened to her when she was dead.
The only thing that Head Office has said is that they admit my complaint could have been handled better and apologise for that. They just don’t appear to comprehend that there wouldn’t have been a complaint if I was told the truth in the first place, or been snubbed until a solicitors intervention forced then respond to me.

I have had response from two other branches who have stated that they never deceive anyone on the history of the animal they place out for adoption and one has even stated that should the cat become ill shortly after adoption, which was in my case, then they would have helped and assisted with fees. Wish I had gone to Essex!!

If this company adopts the same code of practise across the board then why are they so reluctant not to admit that the initial adoption day grossly misled me and left myself and Mother believing something that we all now know isn’t true.
Surely the same level of help and assistance should be given at every branch and it’s a pity Derby don’t have the same standards as some others.


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
This letter is not going to stop people investing in a cat, but I urge them to ask at lot of questions and try and obtain the information before handing over your money, because once you are out of that door with the cat, you will be forgotten by some branches. If you ask negative question afterward, customer care will just ignore you until you go away.
Should I lose this battle to have Ebony's story told then I know I have made a slight dent in their armour, sending a Moonpig card means they will not forget her face.

There are some great volunteer out there and some individuals have undermined their good work, although I will not have anything more to do with this Charity.


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
To see pictures of Ebony on her first and last day with me you can see them on


New Member
Mar 26, 2012
They keep closing me down, what happened to freedom of speech. Why not close me down through a court instead of doing it in underhand ways.


New Member
Oct 14, 2012
I feel awful for sad cafe!
Sounds like it has been a really bad time. The company of Cats Protection League are clearly a bullying company who treat people with contempt.
What I would say is stay true to yourself and beliefs, you tell the truth whereas there may be lies told by others!!!

At least your cat was loved for the short time that you took care of it!

Come on David! Show Goliath who is the boss!

Let's hope justice prevails!!