Argos dipute


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
I went into argos stores in Cardiff this Sunday. I purchased a Nikon Digital Camera and paid cash. When I returned home, I opened the box and put the battery in to test it out. As it switched on, I noticed a black blotch across the screen. i put this down to setting up the camera. With help from my son, he examined the screen and said it was damaged. The next day, I took the camera back for exchange, but the model wasnt available. Anyway to the camera to customer service and told the assistant about the damage, She inspected it and called the manager. He said to me how did the screen get damaged. Instantly I got irate and told him how the hell do I know. I asked him to exchange the camera or refund. Or buy another camera. He then told me that he would have to send it back for examination.. I would not except this and demanded a refund. With a smerk on his face told me to calm down or leave the shop. My son said the the manager, that we would not except anything other than a refund. The manager stook my details and told me they would be in touch within a few day. Still furious I was told to leave the shop or they would call the Police. Im very angry, so what are my rights. They are really saying I dropped the camera myself. What rights have I as the box was security sealed when I opened the box. What are my rights as I dont like being accused of dropping it. He gave me a slip with his name and and put INPACT DAMAGE What are my rights


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
I can understand your frustration with this.
However - as i know from being a previous employee of Argos, whenever anything is returned for damage/non durability, it is pushed upon each and every employee to send it off for repair/inspection instead...


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
Yes I understand that. But returned it next day for exchange or buy another camera. The way the the manager was really telling me that that the damage was caused by me. Why should I wait for a few days. I purchased the camera expecting an exchange. Im now going to refuse the camera as it is faulty. This is a stalemate situation They cant prove that they sold me a faulty camera, so surly I can now demand my money back. Im a bit confused over this

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
No they can't prove they sold you a faulty camera, nor can they prove it was not faulty and that onus is on them, not you.

When the camera comes back and it is still faulty, they will have no choice but to replace it, which they have to do in a reasonable time. (no definition of reasonable but I would expect a week is more than reasonable)


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
HiThanks for your reply. After the attitude by the manager, am I now in my rights to reject the camera and just get refunded back. Im not doing this just for a refund, but take my custom elsware. Argos is cheaper by £22.99 but thats my loss. I will shop elswhere
Thanks again

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Argos are well known for this, they are on my 'don't buy from' list along with a few other high street retailers. The choice of repair or refund is yours as the item had the fault when you bought it. I would suggest you take this up with their head office as their staff are trained to squirm out of their responsibilities.


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
Im now fuming. Today I rang the Manager. He informed that the Camera was checked by Nikon, and camer was in perfect working order. So he politely told me to claim off my insurance as the inpack damed was caused by me. I told him how they came to that conclusion and what proof did they have that it was damaged befor they sold it to. He never replied back and told me to pick up the camera from the shop. I tried to reason with the smart ass, but just said get in touch with trading standards. I said would head office be the first to inform. No reply thanks goodbye. So please anybody on here could make me a draft letter to their head office. In the past if I dad faulty goods, the other dept stores always exchange. So to add up, if you buy faulty goods from ARGOS STORES IN CARDIFF BAY, you would need to open all the items purchased to check if its fauly. ie 50inch LCD TV screen not damaged. Is that what this jerk is saying
Thanks and hope somebody could do a draft letter for me

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
I will send you something by PM, no point in letting Argos know what you're going to say before you say it, it's surprising how many companies have their eye on these sites


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
Hi Again
Ive now been told that the camera isnt the one Purchased. There was no mention of this. They have the camera I purched. I really dont know why they are saying this. Maybe another customer returned it for a refund. Thinking back when we opened the box, the security label came away easy.
Below in the reply
Thanks Ray
Subject: Reference Number 00000000 removed.

Thank you for your e-mail regarding your camera and the Argos Cardiff Bay store.

I am sorry to read of the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting this resolved. I have tried to contact you to discuss this matter in more detail. As you requested I have spoken to the manager of the Cardiff Bay store and he has informed me that the camera you brought back to store was not the one supplied to you on Sunday 18 March 2012; he has had the serial number checked by an expert.

As the product you returned showed signs of misuse and accidental damage, and was not the item on your receipt, we regret that it is not covered by the manufacturing guarantee. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
I have heard some tales from Agros but this just about takes the biscuit. Who has the camera now?

Had the serial number checked by what type of expert? is the serial number on the receipt? if not, how the hell does he know what the serial number was of the camera you bought, or that the one he thinks is yours (which he has sent of to Nikon and received back, could have been switched at any time), actually is?


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
The store got it as I refused it say Im rejecting the faulty goos purchased.
I gave him my details and he told me he would get in touch in a few day. They still have this camer and Im refusing to pick it up

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
You do right not picking it up, be interesting to ee what he comes up with next tho.

I would still reply to their email reiterating that you had a witness when you opened the camera and hope they can substantiate their accusations in the Small Claims Court, which of course, they can't.


New Member
Feb 22, 2012
Hi Again,
Im very upset that Argos is basicaly saying Im trying to defraud them. I have a reply from head office say the camera got diffent serial No an wont exchange it. They are making me out a lier. They still got the camera and Im refusing to take it back as its faulty. Please can somebody help me to my next step. What I need to know is can they prove that the Camera sold to me had different serial numbers Im upset as I have 2 family members who opened the box and found ir was faulty. The Camera is very expensive and I feel Ive been cheated by the store. Pleas please help me as I cant afford to purchase another camera. Below is the reply from head office

Many Thanks
Dear Mr ***,

Subject: Reference Number *********.

Thank you for your e-mail regarding catalogue number 559/3866 Nikon S3100 14 MP Digital Compact Camera - Black.

I am sorry to read you are not happy with our policy in not accepting the above item in our Cardiff Bay store.

I do apologise as our colleagues have advised you, the store is not willing to accept your item as the serial numbers do not match the items we have in store.

I understand you are wanting to take legal action, I do apologise are store is still not willing to accept this item, therefore if you wish to take legal action this will be your option.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
If you bought this camera from an Argos store, took it home, opened it, found it faulty then returned it straight to them, how can they possibly prove it is not the camera you bought?

I would carry out your threat of court action, you can submit a claim at it is quite a simple process and relatively cheap to do.

The onus will then be on Argos to prove the camera wasn't sold by them. I don't think saying "we have a batch with different serial numbers" is going to hack it, they will need proof of the serial number of the camera they sold you.