Booking Fees on Concert Tickets


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
Hi everyone. I recently paid £88 for 2 tickets to a Concert. This was £80 for the tickets, and an £8 booking fee. The concert cancelled, as the artist was ill, and the event was not rescheduled. I am receiving my £80 back, but not the £8 booking fee. Whilst this is a small amount and I can live without it, the principle really rankles with me. Is this legal? The promoter and agency tell me they do not have to give me back the booking fee, but Trading Standards told me they did. Basically, I feel robbed of this amount by a company I can't fight, as the amount is too small to make Legal Action an option! The law seems once again to be in the company's favour, rather than the consumer. Is there anything I can do? Thanks, Andrew

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
The law is on your side, when you booked the tickets you entered into a contract with the promoter/venue/supplier their part of the contract was to supply tickets to give you entry to the event, your part was to pay the agreed cost and booking fee. By cancelling the contract, they are in breach and should return you to the position you were in before you booked the tickets, i.e. all costs returned.

You can take them to court for £8, it will cost you £25 to do so.


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
Thanks for the clarification. But that is my point, they know it will cost me more than it is worth, so they get to keep the money! I'd love to take them to court just to prove the point, but it is not worth £25 to get £8 back!

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Wouldn't Trading Standards contact them on your behalf? try the consumer direct number at the top of the page, they usually phone or write and explain the law on your behalf.

Please tell us who you bought the tickets from, maybe stop someone else getting stung, you may also want to post on facebook and twitter, surprising what a bit of bad social networking can do ;)


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
I didn't get the impression thay they would, although they have raised a case number. I may call them tomorrow and see.
The company is TicketZone. Yes, please avoid them!
I have already posted on their Facebook page for the Concert!