Broken (on the day) wedding dress


New Member
Jun 7, 2012
Hi all,
Just registered here as we're after some advice about a faulty wedding dress that broke on the big day.

My wife bought a dress from a local wedding shop in her local town. The dress was altered by the seam mistress to fit.

On the day the hook and iron broke and zip failed to lock when she was getting into the wedding car to Chapel, one of our photographers managed to sew it up, only for it to break again following the wedding ceremony. The dress collapsed down to tummy level revealing my Wife's complete torso (good for me, but embarrassing for all around!).

We rang the shop we bought the dress from 3 times following the second break on the day, only to be told everyone was busy, the seam mistress was on holiday and on the third call they said they'd call back but didn't bother.

Today we went back into the shop and (calmly) walked through the situation with the supervisor and another member of staff. The other member of staff asked my Wife what she expected them to do about it, my Wife replied "a refund would be nice as it wasn't fit for purpose and ruined parts of my wedding day". The assistant told my Wife she was being "ridiculous" and it was fine when it left the shop.

The assistant then stormed out of the shop saying "I have to go, you can't expect a refund (and laughed)". The supervisor was more helpful and called the manager in, who also came into the shop (as she was on a day off).

We haven't had a refund or offer of compensation and the manager has said she'll talk to the manufacturers and catch up with her staff, which I think is probably fair enough at this stage. We refused the leave the dress with them though but allowed inspection and any photos they wished to take.

Aside from the poor service, what can we expect now? They clearly don't care, safe in the knowledge we probably wouldn't go back back anyway. Although a full refund would be nice is this as "ridiculous" as one of their staff made out?

We purchased the dress on credit card, but this was back in September 2011. Should we take it up with the card company instead?


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
You can claim from your credit card and they cannot refer you back to the supplier, they must refund under their obligations.

Knowing that, I would not let the complaint with the shop go, they have been extremely rude and they are out of order, if the dress was faulty or the alterations substandard, they are responsible.