Buyer paid deposit 2 weeks ago and hasn't returned yet


New Member
Sep 14, 2013
I recently agreed to sell my horse trailer to someone after advertising it. A deposit was paid by the purchaser who said they would come and collect it in a few days, that they would come in a friends car as they don't currently have one that can tow it. That was just over 2 weeks ago and they haven't been to collect it. I had a message through facebook after one week to say they still want the trailer but their friends car was awaiting a part being fitted so they couldn't collect it yet. How long is reasonable to wait for them to collect it? I had other people interested in the trailer and could have sold it in the few days after they agreed the sale so am a bit annoyed that it's still sitting there and I am still to receive full payment for it. Thanks


New Member
Sep 3, 2008
Tell them that they have 2 more weeks to collect it and pay any outstanding balance for the sale otherwise you will return their deposit and re advertise the trailer.