Cancellation of contract - Holding of our deposit for more than one month now


New Member
Jul 25, 2012

I hope someone will be able to help me...Here is our story.
On Saturday 23rd June we had some people coming over to our house to give us a quote for awnings. After 1 hour of conversation and negotiation, we finally accepted to go ahead. The sales guy then had to write the contract and took our credit card details for the deposit of 50% of the total amount.
However, I read properly that I had 7 days to cancel the contract and I mentioned it to him and he agreed with me and told us that he won't be able to book the technical specialist to come and confirm the measures before the end of that period as this is when they will take from our credit card the deposit.
After the guy left, we talked with my husband and realised that they were way too expensive compared to other people and decided to cancel.
On Monday morning, I sent the cancellation leaflet with one day delivery and tracked. I, as well, called them to let them know about our cancellation. They acknowledged it and confirmed the process to me.
They got the letter on Tuesday 26th June (mail tracked). On Monday 9th July as we still did not hear from them we called them, they said the manager was off so it was difficult to get him approve and sign off the refund and it was now done so they were sending a letter for us to sign and send back for their accounting department. On Tuesday I got the letter and I signed it. I sent it back on Wednesday and they got it on Thursday 12th July. From that day we are really not sure what happened, many calls from us not returned, always the same woman telling us that it is with the accounting department and last Friday that she could not do anything as they are not working on Friday...on Monday 23rd July, we finally got enough and called, she said she will call us back asap. Obviously, she did not. Tuesday 24th I called and she said to me that it was with the accounting department so she did not know what they are doing. I finally had the accounting department on the phone today who told me that got the request for the refund only on the 24th and now the cheque is ready BUT her finance director is off sick and cannot sign the cheque then she cannot send it to us yet and it will have to most likely wait for the end of the month.
I have a strong feeling that this company has been playing with our money for one month when in the first instance they should have not taken the deposit before the end of the 7 days cancellation period.
I am hoping to get our cheque next week but I would like to raise this issue to someone, who could that be? And if I don't get my money by next week, what should I do?
Is this normal behaviour?
Thank you very much for your help


New Member
Jul 25, 2012
We have complained to them, they are now asking to out it all in writing.
Last week, the company who owes us money was saying that the cheque was ready and today they are saying that they have sent me a letter today which should be with me tomorrow so I will wait their letter but it starts to be suspicious.