Company acted illegaly?


New Member
Oct 3, 2013
I bought a dehumidifier from a site, the site reported that my payment had been refused so I ordered from another site. I later found out that the first site had gone bankrupt so had ceased trading. I phoned my credit card to confirm the failed payment. Forward 2 days and I received my goods from the legitimate site but a second dehumidifier turned up from a company I had never heard of and received no emails from. Apparently this other company got my details from somewhere, minus my email address, and fulfilled the order. Taking a payment from my credit card. I don't believe this is legal practice as my contract was with the company that had ceased trading not this company. I spoke to them and my credit card but went via the company because they said they would refund me in full. I have now been refunded but charged a restocking fee. I am waiting a response from the company but am worried that companies can do this sort of thing.
What are peoples thoughts on this? Is this illegal? The way I've been messed about by the company makes me want to take this further even if they refund the entire amount.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
No they can't and they cannot take money off your card without your express permission, nor can they charge you a restocking fee for an item you didn't order from them. If the item was over £100, you can ask your credit card company to refund the difference.

If they do refund the balance, there is not much you can do because your only course of redress is the Small Claims Court and any claim has to have a monetary value.