Currys and Oven delivery


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
I do hope someone can give advice.

I ordered an oven for delivery and installation last week, which was planned for today.

The team (of 3) arrived and confirmed straight away that they could not fit the oven due to amps flowing through my standard sockets...

They left the oven, I called an electrician who came and installed the oven without any problem.

I then cooked some lunch to test it out.

I then realised that it was a NEFF rather than the Whirlpool I ordered.

All hell has broken loose as Currys have harassed me with calls this afternoon saying they are coming to take the oven back unless I pay an additional £200 being the retail difference.

I have told them that its their mistake and I don't want the inconvenience again, particularly by people who said they were unable to fit an oven in my kitchen.

They have said they are calling the police and will take me to court.

Does anyone know what we rights are?


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
They are calling the Police because they delivered an oven you didn't order? Well I hope they get arrested for:

A) wasting police time

B) incompetence

This isn't unsolicited goods as you did order an oven off them but you don't need to pay them anything, you should give them access to remove the oven and replace it with the one you ordered, all at no expense or inconvenience to yourself.

I hope you've used it lots, they don't deserve to be able to resell it at full price.

I assume you didn't pay for them to install it or, if you did, that they have given you a full refund of the installation fee.