Double Glazing.


New Member
Jun 3, 2012
I arranged to have double glazing fitted to my mums house. The old windows were taken out just before the new arrived.

The new ones were wrong, the openers were wrong, the patio doors wouldn't fit. I complained to the company but they refused to do anything about it.

I went to small claims court and won. But i never got any money back from thr company. So i arranged through the courts to send the bailiffs round. When the bailiffs got there, the individuals that own the company produced a bankruptcy notice in there name (not the company name). I have since found out that the company owe lots of creditors and i may never see my money as i am low down on a long list.

But my problem is with the company not the individuals who own it. So can't the bailiffs go in and remove goods from the company, to sell and to pay there debt to me.

I have heard something about a high court writ. Does anybody know what one actually is and whether it would work.
