Ebuyer Fraud


New Member
Mar 1, 2013
I have been an ebuyer customer for a few years now without too much to complain about until now. I tried to purchase goods from ebuyer on the 19.02.2013 for delivery on the 26.02.2013 their website stated that the product was in stock and they took payment from my bank account. I contacted them on the 22.02.2013 to confirm that the order would be fulfilled and they stated that there was no problem after checking with their warehouse. On Monday the 25.02.2013 they changed the status of my order from pick in progress to order placed on their website all this being done without my knowledge or consent. So I naturally contacted them to try and find out what was going on. They then stated that the item was out of stock despite deceiving me on the Friday prior to that point I then pointed out that they had already taken the payment for Goods and service that they were not able or willing to provide this is Fraud as they knew they were unable to complete the order and they had not even bothered to contact me but just took my money from my account I informed them that I would begin action against them as they had breached the terms of the contract and the Law as well they had breached the Sale of Goods act the Distance of selling regulations and the Goods and services act. They then requested that I spend more money with them to upgrade the order for a different item to which I refused to do so as a decent company would have offered to upgrade the order at their own expense as Ebuyer have committed fraud clear and simple this call took 21 minutes at 10p a minute I might add. I then received a call back from another adviser who was again uncooperative and again I informed then that I would begin legal proceeding's against Ebuyer for the cost of the original order as well as replacement goods as they had fraudulently and blatantly breached the contract with myself those proceeding's are now under way using the above laws. This company are highly unprofessional and just plain dishonest as can be seen by the facts above in short I would not recommend this company but just state buyer beware and take from this information what you will. :mad: