Eon bill 15 months after switching


New Member
Jun 30, 2012
I wonder if anyone has any advice on my predicament...
I moved into a new build house in October 2010. At the time, Eon were the energy supplier for my gas. I contacted them to let them know I was a new occupier, to send a meter reading and to set up payment etc. I didn't hear anything for some time so called them back. Again no news and no bills or communication of any sort. I tried one final time where an advisor informed me that someone would call me. Nobody did. I decide to change energy supplier less than 3 months later. Scottish Power wrote to me telling me that they would inform Eon and that I didn't have to do anything.
That all went through fine and I have had no problems since.
However, I recieved a bill yesterday from Eon for £216.15 - 15months after switching supplier. Does anyone know what my rights are here as I don not think I should have to pay this now. I have looked on the internet but information is quite sketchy. i would appreciate any advice on this one before I contact them.
Many thanks in advance,