faulty ipad..under 12 months old


New Member
Sep 2, 2013
Hi.i am in need of some help and advice please.
In November we purchased an ipad 4,this week it has been failing to charge.
I have called Tesco where it was purchased and also Apple and i am being given the run around.
Firstly Tesco have said i can return and get a replacement,go into store and this is not the case.call Tesco again and they confirm i was mis informed.That i need to contact Apple
So i contact Apple who say that because it is over 90 days old i no longer am entitled to free support over the phoen but if i spend £69 for a apple care plan they can help me.
Dont know which was to turn now as i know i have consumer rights but unsure what they are.
in a nutshell.Tesco wont replace and Apple ant to charge me for the priviledge of advising me over the phone.
The product is less than 12 months old.


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
Your point of call is Tesco, you never deal with Apple - Your contract is with the seller.
Take it in, tell them firmly that you'd like a replacement. They may insist that it be sent for an inspection before considering a repair / replacement, and that's perfectly fine (provided its free).
You're not 100% entitled to a replacement outside of a 6 month period unless you can prove that the fault existed at the time of purchase (which you can't, it used to charge after all). However you would be entitled to a replacement after providing reasonable opportunity to repair the unit (we say generally 2 repairs).

This is under the Sale of Goods Act, Section 14 'Satisfactory Quality'.
