Faulty kitchen tap


New Member
Mar 20, 2013
Hi everyone, looking for some advice on my rights with an internet shop.

I bought a kitchen tap with a 15 year guarantee on 27/11/12 and it lasted three weeks before breaking in that the handles stopped aligning back up in the off position.

We contacted the company and got a replacement which we received and fitted around the 21/12/12. The replacement has lasted till the 28/2/13 where upon it now will not spinning in the housing of the sink, despite being fitted by a professional plumber and has developed a leak above the shut off valve where the spout connects to the main housing.

We have consequently lost all faith with the product, and looking at the shops ebay front 3-4 other people have had problems with this make and model of tap over the last six months, all leading them to post negative or neutral feedback and seemingly not having their issues resolved.

The shop is offering a third tap, same make and model but understandably we just want to cut our losses now and get a refund.

Although I've read the citizens advice and governments advice and not 100% convinced that we should settle for a replacement as in my eyes, two taps failing over such a short period of time does not live up to a reasonable time frame for a tap that is guaranteed for 15 years.

Any advice most welcome! Thanks


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
What advice are you looking for? Seems to me like you know where you stand.
If it's just confirmation of your own belief. Consider it confirmed. You can absolutely request a refund, it's your decision anyway whether you have a refund or a replacement - not the shops choice.



New Member
Mar 20, 2013
Yes, it is confirmation and thank you for that. I have a feeling it will be a struggle to get a refund from the supplier. What acts/laws am I best of referencing to help speed up the whole process?


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
Your best with using Section 14 of the Sale of Goods Act (which is for: 'goods are to be of satisfactory quality' )

S.14 Satisfactory Quality also includes durability, goods to last a reasonable length of time, be free from minor defects and so fourth.

The Complaining Cow

New Member
Mar 23, 2013
In addition to the Act of Law below if you bought from ebay you can also raise a "problem with this item" if you haven't already given feedback. You have three months from the original purchase and not from the replacement though. You are entitled to full refund plus postage whether forthcoming or not you should report to ebay.