Faulty present from Laura Ashley


New Member
Jan 8, 2013
My daughters all got together and bought me 2 oxford pillowcases and a duvet cover from Laura Ashley just before Christmas as a present as they know I love L.A. and always buy from them..
I didnt use it straight away but recently washed it only to find that the hem where the buttons are has frayed badly. My husband took it to our nearest store and asked for a replacement but was told no receipt then no exchange, credit or refund. My daughters paid by cash and believing Laura Ashley sold quality goods didnt think to keep the receipt! I obviously cannot use the duvet cover (which on looking at the Laura Ashley website cost them altogether £134.00 to buy) as it will fray even more. Is it true that I have no recourse with regard to this as I do not have a receipt?? :(
ps the assistant said that this is a new rule that they have recently brought in??

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
The law does require proof of purchase but as they paid cash, obviously the only proof they could have is a receipt.

I do know that if you know the date and approximate time the good were purchased, the shop will be able to find the transaction from their records, however they are not obliged to.


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
Also just to neb in too,
The store could potentially refuse to deal with you with this matter as you are not a party to the contract, and therefore you would need the 'purchaser' to deal with it, but in all honesty, they won't know you didn't buy it, unless you've already told them it was a present?