is it theft at the holiday shop


New Member
Apr 20, 2012
I purchased a holiday from a Thomas cook shop 2 wks ago, er paying the full amount on my visa debit card. Over the easter wk end I decided to listen to all my outgoings for that wk via telephone banking...on listening I discovered that tc had taken 2 payments from my on the 3rd April for holiday cost the next on 4 th April for a further £46.00. On speaking to a bank advisor and confirming I had not authorized the 2nd payment he advised me to cancel my card...being easter wk end I contacted the shop on the tues and explained my concerns only to be told by the agent that she realised that the holiday I had paid for didn't include transfers and she just went ahead and booked them without asking me if they were wanted, using my debit card details in which I hadn't authorized her to use..she was very unconcerned about her actions and just offered me a refund. I explained to her that she shouldnt have even had my card details to hand yet alone used it, I explained that I had no access to money etc and the disrupt she had caused and would be contacting head office, which I did..yesterday I received a letter from tc apologising and that was money nothing...I phoned them earlier and asked why I hadn't had my refund and they said the shop was dealing with it.....what can I do...I think this is outrageous


May 31, 2010
Well firstly if you have incurred any costs because of this unathorised transaction TC will have to pay for them. The transaction is technically theft as somone took your money without asking and intended to keep it.

It is a case of deciding what you want from this. If it is compensation then you need to write back stating what you want. You should also let them know any costs that have been accrued because of their actions. What you can't say is 'give me compensation or I will report the agent to the police for theft'.

I agree it is absolutely wrong that they should do this and illegal.