Is this right???

Mrs G

New Member
Dec 28, 2012
I purchased a steam cleaner on the internet. When it arrived I plugged it in and turned it on, the steam that came out was pathetic and so I decided to return it to the supplier (thinking I was protected under distance selling regulations). The company phoned me offering other steam cleaners but as I wanted a 2in1 model (which they didn't have) I asked for a refund and that was when my troubles began - they are now saying because of hygiene rules they cannot take it back. They say that I could have taken it out of the box to inspect but not turn it on (although they were quite happy for computers/cameras to go back as long as nothing had been installed on it). Is this right? I purposefully did not put on any of the pads/tools I just filled the tank with water and turned the machine on and it was quickly evident that it was unlikely to clean anything. Does this invalidate the regulations?


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
There is a grey area here unfortunately... Some people would say that yes they are right, however I'm not in that boat. I would say that it is impossible to see the usefulness (or lack of it) by simply looking at a steam cleaner. And I would even push as to saying that you have only done what any other reasonable person would do to see whether you are to accept the goods or not.
And hygiene reasons? It's a steam cleaner for gods sake! Any water put in, even if it is muddy brown, would still come out as sterile steam. Therefore I do not believe that a steam cleaner raises health or safety concerns.

The DSR's do not provide for goods to be returned in a fit state for resale either.

Were you told prior to purchase that your right to inspection does not include the use of the cleaner? What was on the packaging?
If they have given no notice removing your right to inspection, then you are to assume that your right exists.

If they still won't budge and are being arsey, return it under the Sale of Goods Act, S.14 :)