Issues with Bugaboo RE my son's buggy


New Member
May 1, 2012

This is my first post and I need some help. We purchased a Bugaboo Cameleon Pram from Mothercare for £819 and have been experiencing numerous problems with faulty parts. Up to this point we have dealt with Bugaboo directly and they have replaced each of the faulty parts with no problems.

However, we have recently converted from using it as a pram to a buggy and since then we have noticed a number of marks appearing on the fabric. As the fabric is off white these black marks are very noticeable and are developing where there are plastic parts that support the pram's structure. i.e. where there are plastic rods in the hood the hood fabric is marked in the same place, where ther are plastic supports in the seat back there are marks on the fabric there too. So we believe that this is a design fault as what they are using to make the pram with is marking the fabric very easily.

We put all our concerns regarding this is an email iwhereby we stated that the goods were not of satisfactory quality and were impractical and that we require a complete replacement pram in a darker colour to prevent these marks from showing. We were told by Bugaboo to go back to the retailer as under the terms of their warranty they would not replace the pram in its entirity.

We returned to Mothercare who were in complete agreement with us and they advised us that they would contact Bugaboo on our behalf. Today Mothercare have been told that Bugaboo are not prepared to replace the pram. So i got on the phone and stated my case very strongly at which point they offered to replace the fabric of the pram with a different colour, but not replace the pram completely.

The pram we purchased was a limited edition and so cost more than a regular Bugaboo. We chose it as we liked that it was different from the other Bugaboos on sale. They have given me two options of fabric:
1. to replace it with their regular fabric, which I won't accept as these are cheaper models
2. to replace with their current limited edition fabric which I do not like
They have another limited edition pram coming out later this year which I do like but have no stock currently available, despite it being advertised on their website.

So after all this what I am asking...
1. Am I not entitled to a complete replacement?
2. How can they only be prepared to replace part of the pram?
3. Would it be acceptable to ask them to order the pram that is available later this year and to keep the one I have in the interim, with a view to swapping it when the one I like is available. And is there any legal right to this?
4. Do they also have to replace the matching accessories that I purchased?

As you can imagine I do not want to be stuck with a pram that cost over £1000 by the time we bought all the accessories to match.

Sorry for the long post but I felt you needed all the info