J Marr Landscapes Leicester (John Doe)


New Member
Sep 1, 2013
Just thought I would warn you all about these clowns that pretend to be professional landscapers - they are not!

I fell victim to something I am frequently warning others against - cold callers.

They're pitch was polite and gentlemanly. "Pay us when you're happy. Don't worry about complaining if you're not; we always want to finish a job properly and leave when you're happy" etc. etc.

The task was simple - remove some old garden waste and lop just a few branches off of a tree. I thought they'd be gone in under an hour.

They promised to show me their insurance details before they started and tidy up when they left. None of that happened.

Throughout the time they were there they scoured my garden for any metal or scrap value. When I asked them to stick to the job at hand they got nasty and told me they were "doing me a favour by asking me... they didn't have to".

They did a shoddy job - no safety equipment was used. They didn't even have a ladder! And one of the branches fell in to the neighbours garden - the very thing I wanted to avoid which is why I hired them.

They were here for over two hours because they had nothing to carry the big branches on and their discussions about people was nothing short of Nazi-like. I couldn't wait for them to leave.

I paid them their quote with a cheque (made payable to "John Doe" no less!) and the short fat one kept going on about how they had under estimated the job and needed more for the "hassle" they had encountered. When I refused they took particular joy at swearing at me and telling me how they hated "ungrateful b*st*rds" like me.

Once gone I was glad to see the back of them only for them to turn up again about a week later telling me that my cheque had bounced! (The bank told me the cheque had never been presented).

I ended up giving them cash and took the hit for stopping the cheque afterwards.

These people aren't particularly scary - they are just a pair of middle-age clowns pretending to be nicer than nice to get money out of you and then get nasty.

I have only myself to blame for falling for their BS but I wanted to warn anyone out there that might have had a flyer from these muppets. Don't fall for it!!!

By the way, their address is listed as Glen Parva, Leicester. Save yourself a lot of aggro and steer clear.


Nov 23, 2010
South Wales
Thanks for sharing your story, and I hope you certainly put some people off! They don't sound like they're up to much good do they?