

New Member
Aug 10, 2012
I purchased 4 pairs of matching curtain of varying sizes from Kandco.
The label clearly state washing instruction.
After having the decorators in i washed one pair according to the instructions but the backing stuck together so now they are ruined!
I contacted Kandco about them,stating also that i had 3 other pairs which i would not be able to wash as the same would happen to them.
The reply i recieved is that as they are out of the warranty period( this particular pair is only just over 12 months old) they cannot do anything about the problem.2 of the other pairs ar about 16 months old and 1 pair only 6 months old.
Where do i stand?
i would not expect good quality cutains to be washed in less than 12 months..(i live alone.no smokers or pets) and even so whenever they were washed they would be ruined,
any suggestions would be very welcome.
I am a pensioner and a widow so to lose nearly £500 on curtains is not an option for me.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
This problem has very little to do with the warranty, you could have washe them after 6 months or 6 years and the problem would still have occurred.

Tell them you feel there is either a fault with the manufacture or the washing instructions but either way, they are not fit for purpose (you should expect to be able to wash curtains)

You should request either a replacement or refund, they are entitled to deduct an amount for the use you have had from them.