late order


New Member
Jan 16, 2013
hi , this is my 1st posting , i hope i am in the right place ,,

my mum order a chloe doll from on the 6 oct 2012, for a xmas present for a little girl ,the doll did not come by xmas there was no word about it till just before xmas when we got in touch to say were it was ,the told use it look like there will be a delay, and the next date it will be ith use is late jan 2013

we told not to send chloe out and to return the money ,

but the doll still come in jan but we sent it back again as it was to late for xmas now?? we did did get a email back to say when the chloe is back with them they will return the money , but we still have not had the money back ,,

i am trying to find out the best way to getting the money back,,if some can help please


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
How did you pay, if it was with a debit card you can ask the bank to do a charge back for you, if it was credit card it has to be over £100 to claim it back off the credit card company.
Do you have proof that you sent it or tracking to prove they received it? If so tell them you will claim it back through the small claims court plus costs


New Member
Jan 16, 2013
thank you for tony ,for your email

my mum payed by cheque ,

there is no tracking number ?? but she does now the dev/company.they told her as she said that she does not want it ,, they will take it back to the company

i have email them tonight the 03 feb , to ask if they had add it back yet , if not we will get in touch with the dev/company
