Leaking immersion heater in Vailant Unistor Unvented Cylinder


New Member
Jul 17, 2010
Hi everyone, Looking for some advice please. I purchased a new ch system in July 2010. This included Vailant Boiler and Vailant Unistor Unvented Cylinder. The heating engineer who fitted the system bought the goods, and over the last 6 months or so, we have had a leak from the Unvented Cylinder, and the heating engineer has been back a few times to try to find out where it is coming from. We have now finally managed to locate the leak, and it is from a "factory fitted" immersion heater on the cylinder. This has a large brass nut which as factory fitted, and when say a bathful of water has been drawn from the cylinder, and the cold water fills it back up again, it appears that the contraction and expansion of the cylinder is allowing it to leak when it gets cold.

The cylinder is covered for 25 years, and the other parts for 2 years. It is now out of warranty, and having just spoken to Vailant, they say that as it is out of warranty, they will have to charge to come to fix it.

My view is that it has been leaking for some time, and we have not been able until recently to find where the leak was coming from. Would I be covered under the Sale of Goods Act as the warranty has expired from Vailant, to say that the goods are not durable, and should last longer than 2 1/5 years before leaking, and insist that they sort the matter out for me free of charge.

My heating engineer has tried to tighten the nut for us, but he is concerned that if he over tightens it then it may sheer off, or indeed leak more than it is now. As this was a "factory fitted" item, then is it not Vailants responsibility.

Any help and advice would be most welcome.



New Member
Jul 17, 2010
Thanks for your reply ALewis, it is much appreciated, I have contacted Vailant, and put this to them, and I am awaiting their reply.
Sorry for the delay in replying to this post, I have had difficulty logging into my account in order to reply.
Thanks, will keep you advised.