Mistaken delivery. What are my rights?


New Member
Jun 22, 2012
I recently ordered an air con unit but the courier company delivered two units. I took delivery only because I thought the unit came in two parts and it wasn't until the driver had left that I saw that the second unit was supposed to be delivered to someone else. I immediately contacted the air con company and informed them of this problem and they turned around and said that they could only arrange a pick up between the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Obviously I work during those hours and I refuse to take a day off to help sort this problem out - as far as I am concerned it is up to them to pick up the unit when it is convenient to me, not the other way round. Anyway, it has now been 3 weeks since the unit was delivered and the company have not tried to pick this unit up despite me repeatedly calling them and offering specific dates and times for them to arrange a pickup. My question is how long do I have to keep this unit in my possession before I can either sell it or bin it? Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
You don't, once you have informed them of their error and given them the opportunity to collect it, you have done what you need to do, you can dispose of it as you wish.