Never Received Goods - Advice Needed


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
I bought a voucher via Gumtree Daily Deals for some hair extensions. I paid £24 for the voucher, which once activated I placed the order online at Serache. I paid a further £4.95 postage and packing. This was on 3rd January 2012. I have never received the goods.

I have emailed several times, at first I received a response saying they would look into it, after a couple of weeks of no news, I emailed again. I haven't received a response in over a month now.

I have also emailed Gumtree Daily Deals (there is no contact number for them, they claim to be a separate entity to Gumtree). I asked for their assistance in getting Serache to send the hair extensions to me, or in the least get me a refund. I have NEVER received a response from them.

I found the head office address for Serache via Companies House, and sent them a recorded delivery letter requesting the goods or a full refund within 30 days of the date of the letter otherwise I would pursue via a small claims court. 30 days passed, no response. However, Royal Mail cannot confirm the letter was delivered (no evidence of delivery).

I am not sure what to do now.

No one is responding to my emails, I have no telephone number for anyone nor any names to contact directly.

How do I go about getting my money back, I have never received any goods, no one is answering my questions.

Please help...


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
You are quite within your rights to file with the small claims court but it is up to you to decide whether it is worth it as the costs will more or less equal your losses but you can include them as part of your claim.

It's a simple procedure to do online and companies usually crumble and pay out as soon as they receive the papers or certainly before it gets to submitting a defence.

You could try ConsumerDirect (phone number and link at the top of this page) first, see if you get anywhere.


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
Thanks for your response.
I did file a claim via MoneyClaim, it all went through fine, or so I thought. However when I received no response from the company I filed against, I requested a judgement. Today I have received the original claim through the post as undelivered, Serache have apparently moved. The address I got from Companies House, their registered address. I have searched the internet for another address, but none is given.

I am now at a loss as to where I should direct this claim, as I have no other address for this company, and still they are not responding to my emails.

Could someone please give me some advice on what to do now. I cannot serve a claim against an address that doesn't exist nor do I know of another address for the company. I have a limited amount of time in which to refile the claim giving a new address.

Many thanks.