Nielsen Survey Panel - threatening legal action


New Member
Jan 17, 2014

I signed up with Neilsen (shopping survey panel) early 2013 as I thought it would be a good way to bring some extra money into the house, but its a right flaff having to scan every item, every time you go shopping so I returned the scanner to them, using their pre-paid packaging and labels via the post office. I foolishly didn't get a receipt as it was pre-paid, I just handed it over and left and thought that was the end of it.

In July/August 2013 I started getting letters from Nielsen asking for the return of their equipment. I wrote back saying it had been returned using their labels etc and they should do some enquiries first. They began what I can only describe as harrassment until I pointed out to them that they are harrassing me and it was making me feel ill and I explained I had returned everything to them and I had hoped that was it.

I received a letter today giving me 7 days notice to return the scanner and equipment failing which they will start the process to seek recovery of the cost of the scanner. I have written back to them again informing them that I had returned the equipment using their packaging/labels and if they continued to harass me I would seek legal advice. I did find one part of the scanning equipment when I tidied my office up, which I must have omitted from the box I sent back already, so have tried to call their 0800 number which isn't working, just keeps on looping around the selections.

I am at a loss as to what to do next. I have sent the goods back. They may say I have lost the goods but equally they could have lost them at their goods receiving depot.

Would they take me to court to try and regain the money for their scanner? I barely keep my head afloat as it is, I'm a self employed single mum working over 40hrs a week for very little money, and this has really caused some anxiety.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated even if its a point in the direction of organisations that can assist me.

Thanks for reading.



New Member
Jan 18, 2014
I also received a FINAL NOTICE letter yesterday. I elected to cancel my membership last year and returned the equipment in October in the provided packaging and obtained proof of postage. After sending the equipment back, I received a final notice letter and contacted Nielsen, providing a copy of the post office receipt. I received a further letter and contacted Nielsen by phone. I was told to disregard the letter as it was automated and the equipment would be written off as lost as proof of postage had been provided.

After hearing nothing for three months, out of the blue another FINAL NOTICE letter arrived. I have tried contacting by phone, however when the option is selected from the menu, this is not registered and, like the OP the message loops.

I have also sent another copy of the proof of postage to the nielsen uk email address but have yet to receive a response.