Orchid Studios, no refund unless...

Mr B

New Member
Feb 4, 2012
My daughter received a cold call from a representitive of this company, formerly called Sapphire Studios and Studio 64, on 27 January 2012. The rep. offered my daughter a "free" photoshoot complete with make over and hair styling with professionals and a professional photographer at their studios in London. All she needed to do was make a "small" deposit to secure the shoot. No mention of the amount was made and she was told the deposit was refundable. I know this as i was in the room during that part of the conversation and she had her phone on speaker phone.

Unknown to my daughter my wife had already put plans in place for my daughter to have a photoshoot for her 21st. birthday with a family friend who is a full time photographer. When my wife informed my daughter of this, she decided to cancel the shoot and get a refund. Before she could ring them, they rang her on 1st February 2012 to arrange a session date. it was at this time she informed them she was cancelling and the reason why. The rep told her that it wasnt a problem and a refund could be arranged. On 2nd February someone else called her to inform her that she would only get her refund if she attended the session or "sold" her "ticket" to a friend, failure to do either would result in her losing her deposit for something that hadnt even had a day booked.

On the 3rd February I rang the company on the numbers my daughter had saved on her phone, after an hr. of trying I eventually got through to one of their "Diary Admin Assistants" named Joseph Celcius Verbagenga. His attitude was one of to get her refund she does it our way or not at all. He either couldnt or wouldnt see how the company policy was for all intensive purposes holding my daughters money to ransom. I told him that unless the refund was made i would be seeking legal advice and reporting them to consumeraffairs, trading standards and BBC watchdog, which i have done at the time of writing. His response was that of couldnt care less. If she wanted her money she either did a session, sold her ticket or forget getting her money back. He then informed me that one of the "customer relations" people would ring me to speak to me.

One hour later i received a phone from a number with a dialling code i didnt recognise. I now know this number to be based in the Phillipines from doing a websearch for the country code. the woman i spoke to was rude and extremely arrogant with a "do your worst" attitude. She was even worse than the "diary admin assistant", and refused to even see reason, was unreasonable and accused both my daughter and i of being liars.

these people need to be avoided by any and all young females as it seems that they tend to select them, tempt them in then rip them off. i have seen on various sites that they use badgering and haranging techniques on people into buying photos, the cheapest of which is £49 and sold to you on a cd which would cost no more than £0.99 from your local pc retail outlet

After a bit of googling it seems that the aforementioned falls under the The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, I've emailed them informing them of this, but so far no joy in a refund.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
It would also be covered by the distance selling regulations which gives your daughter 7 days to cancel, which she did, if she paid with a debit card, she could trying asking her bank to do a chargeback on this money, where the bank claim it back out of their account but the bak are not legally obliged to so this. The other alternative is the small claims court?


New Member
Apr 15, 2012
Sapphire studios originally but now named Orchid studios located in farrington. They are really shady company I do not recommend it. Stay away from them. I got a phone call saying apparently I won some vouchers for a photo shoot session and that it was a way of advertising about the services the company provided. But all I had to do is to pay £149.97, for three people. Which was totally refundable as long as I attended. The lady on the phone was really pushy and pressured me to pay the deposit then and there. Five minutes after I paid the deposit I called back the lady and wanted to cancel because I changed my mind. I was told that I forfeit my deposit if I don't attend. They didn't even have a cooling off period which all legit companies provide at least 7 days. Plus according to the consumer rights law the company must provide all details and terms and conditions about a service before you purchase any service or goods. I called them several times trying to arrange a appointment but no one picked up. I left few voice messages and I finally got a call that didn't sound UK based. The reception wasn't that good and the call sounded like it was from aboard. I know because I call aboard all the time and it sounded like that. So then I tired to arrange an appointment on the weekend, but I was told that I had to pay extra £20 each per person. I had checked on their websites just before hand about terms and conditions and it never stated that there was an extra charge for a weekend appointment nor I was told by the lady on the phone when I first got a phone call from orchid studios that there was an extra charge for a weekend appointment. Also I had another problem one of my friend couldn't attend the session so it was only be two people myself and my sister. I told them that my friend couldn't make it. The person on the phone then says to me, then you will lose her deposit and you will only receive £100. But according to their website it states that the reason why we have to pay the refundable deposit is because they hire make artists and hair dressers according to the people but the thing was i hadn't even booked an appointment at that time. She then says as soon as we pay the deposit we are bound by the terms and conditions. But the thing was when I was first approached by one of the sales representative the lady on the phone she never mentioned any of the terms and conditions nor did they send me any written copy of it. According to the law the company must do that. So then the lady says rather that losing that deposits it can go towards your payment for the photo suggesting that we were obligated to buy the photos. Again as stated in their websites and the law there are no obligations to buy the photos/services. They can't force you to buy anything you don't want. Finally the lady on the phone gave a weekend appointment and told me that my full deposit £149.97 will be refunded as long as me and my sister attend the session. We went to their studio. Not gonna lie but their studio looked professional. But there was a lot of waiting around there didn't seem to be any kind of structure. People were being call randomly at different times, didn't matter who arrived earlier or later. The hair stylist was rude and mediocre. Just did some basic curls didn't even use a heat protection on the hair. There was another 10 mins wait for the makeup artist. She was alright. Then there was another 20 min wait for the photographer. She was again mediocre. We were just told to some basic posses. Some of the posses were really uncomfortable she didn't really know what angles looked best. It was very basic. Then there was another 20 mins. We were told to give peoples contact names for the same experiences. We did like 4 and the lady came back and pressured us to do more at least 10. Then were given some freebies. We were told we would pick any two cosmetic that we liked from the pile. The cosmetic were ok quality. Looked like a cheap brand. After 15 more mins of waiting we were taken into a room for viewing of the photo. The photo were ok, didn't really like them. So we refused to take any. The person who was showing the photos "The viewer" got anger just because we didn't want to buy any of the photos. The "viewer" went straight into the deposit and said since there is only two of you today I can only give you £100. I tired to explain that I had already had the same conversation on the phone with the other lady but she was rude, she didn't even let me talk. She was shouting at us saying “what lady did you talk to?”. The things she was saying didn't even make any sense. She kept contradicting herself. At first she was saying that it was the companies rule that she couldn't refund the deposit so we told her to get someone in charge then she was saying it was her rule. It didn't make any sense what was coming out of her mouth. We wanted to speak to the manager then this man came in I explained to him what I was told on the phone by the lady but in the studio "The viewer " was saying something else. If the company was legit then the rules and policy and terms and conditions would stay the same through out. I explained to him about our rights as consumer and I also told him about "extra" charge the lady on the phone tired to charge me. He just looked quite flusted and gave me my full deposit. They gave me a receipt saying that they will refund the full deposit. I took the companies phone number and the mangers name and "the viewers" name. But she refused to give her surname which looks so suspicious. Also on the reception the two ladies on the reception refused to give their names saying that there is always someone on the reception. Now we are just waiting for the deposit apparently it takes about 10 ten days. Now since they have given a receipt and "the viewer" signed it. They have no reason why they should keep it. After the first phone call, it sounded so shady. We went in prepared. We did some research on the company and almost 99% of reviews about the orchid/sapphire studios were negative. If you did fall for their trick be sure you go there with the full information about the type of company they are and the type of scams they are hosting. Good luck.

Miss s

New Member
Apr 15, 2012
Orchid studios are a big SCAM!!! Please watch out for them ... Their studios is located in london farrington near angel station. One of their tactic is targetting young innocent international girls and making them fill out a questionaire in which they say " you could win a free photo shoot session for you and your friends" . PLEASE DO NOT FALL FOR IT! if you are the so called "lucky won" who get a phone call saying you won the vouchers for the photo shoot within 5 mins of talking to the women on the phone she will quickly pressurise you in inserting a deposit which is " fully refundable" incase you dont attend....if you have given them the deposit and want to change your mind and ask for a refund which in the law says the consumer is intitled to a 7days cooling off period in which they may change thier mind and a full refund can be issued ... The person from orchid studios will presuade you its not possible so you wil have no choice but to attend. If you do attend do not fall for anything thier whole company is very shady you will wait around for ages the whole experience is very mediocre the hairdresser is very rude , makeup artist is average not many tips on makeup ...half of the employees are european and very sneaky ...after the photo shoot the real "dealing begin" in thier second floor where the "viewer" who is very pushy lady will bully you with buyig the photos .. Their editing skills and photography is mediocre not very impressive .... If you do have a photo shoot with them fully research and print out thier terms and conditions because as it says " there is no obligation for you to purchase anything from them!"...also please let the bbc watchdog and trading standard know about them and your experience


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
I purchased tickets/vouchers of ebay for a delux makeover which was supposed to consist of a free print or free image on a cd.
Also we was supposed to recieve 'professional' hair and makeup alsongside a mini facial and manicure.
All of this failed to happen apart from the hair and makeup which was far from proffesional. On arrival we was spoken to politely and the staff seemed nice - reception staff this is. We was then asked to sit in a waiting area unknowingly before having our hair and makeup done. We were asked to fill in a form/questionaire as to how we would like our hair and makeup to be done -this was a complete and utter waste of time as they asked what you wanted when they had u sitting down. My friend started of with having her makeup done whilst I had my hair done. The bird was far from proffesional in mannorism and skill. She asked me how id like my hair and in all fairness I wasnt really sure, thinking that she, being the professional would have some good ideas. She suggested adding a 'few' curls and a bit of volume but what I got was completely curled hair. This took all of about 5mins and then when I asked if she could straighten my fringe as it had ruined in the rain she said 'what straighten it completely' as if I was asking her for something major and looked at me as though I was stupid. That put me in a bad mood to begin with. Then I got asked to move chairs to have my makeup done, the girl could barely speak English , if she could she was hidin' it. She kept stopping to check her facebook while supposedly doing my makeup. The makeup they used was cheap and tacky and used it in ways where it had clearly been into contact with lots of other peoples lips, eyes and skin - Lush!
The photographer was rude and cocky he made me feel worthless. Being sensitive and self concious he didnt help if anything he made it worse and felt like he was taking the piss.
They advertise this kind of experience on their website for no less than £200 and I only paid £15 for two of us which I consider being plenty I would never pay £200 for such a rubbish day.
The photos were exremely pricey, they wanted us to have a package of about 8 for near on £700 ( they wanted us to take out a payment plan to pay it ) How ever I didnt like any of my photos not enough to pay that kind of money for them. In the end they offered us two photos each and one of us together for 'free' the price of this started of at around £500 + our deposit . In the end they let us have the photos for £50 each plus our deposit. It didnt make sense to me how they could knock the price down so much. She claimed she was doing it of her own back. If anything its just a money making scam and if you naive and gullable they will have you out of pocket in a flash for photos that you could of got done closer to home for a fraction of the price!
Conclusively it was a complete and utter waste of time and would never reccomend it to anyone.


New Member
Jul 17, 2012
Hi all, i have had this scam happen to me, i was wondering if any of you have had any luck with refunds, as im struggling to even get support from the bank. Please help? Any comments or advice would be appreciated, thanks x