Parcel Monkey Goods Damage


New Member
Oct 24, 2013

I'm desparately seeking some help in what seems like a hopeless situation.

I bought a range cooker 2 weeks ago off ebay for £250. As a heavy item of around 70kgs it needed a courier that specilised in such goods. Parcel Monkey had such a service, using DX Freight. I called DX freight directly to check they would collect a 2nd hand cooker that wasn't brand new and boxed, but would be wrapped (Parcel monkey only have online forums for correspondence).

I processed the order on Parcel Monkey, paying extra money for insurance to cover the value of the goods upto £400 (the website actually won't allow you to proceed with an order UNLESS you insure the value of your goods). There is a footnote to check the 'excempt' items list, which is very lengthy. I couldn't see any excemption to ovens listed so placed the order.

When the cooker arrived on the van, the oven door was smashed in, with glass all over the floor of the van as some huge engine part had fallen out of its own container and been thrown across the van. The van was also incredibly badly loaded for a courier that delivers heavy items. Packages were thrown in, unsecured across the vehicle, and the driver admitted that he had to climb over the cooker to get to anything else all day. The legs of the cooker were also bent about 40 degrees around from there original position. I took photos of the van and the damage in situ with the packaging, and after removing the cooker also. I filled in the damage report with the driver.

I contacted Parcel Monkey and filled out their claim form online. They came back a day later to say that the damage wasn't covered as 'glass components' were listed on their 'unexhaustive' exemption list and therefore any damage was at my own risk. When I mentioned the bent legs on the oven, there was no further reply.

The repairs actually outweigh the price of the cooker and I don't know what to do. I can't afford another oven or the repairs, and Parcel Monkey have removed themselves from any responsibility. Is there anything I can do?

Thank you so much


Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Yes there is, they are fully responsible for providing a satisfactory service, they can't absolve themselves of responsibility.

As you have photographs clearly showing their incompetence, you need to tell them they either deal with it or you will see them in court.

In the meantime, see if you can find a local furniture recyling centre or look for a local freecycle website, you may get a cooker that way.


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Thanks so much for this. A ray of hope! Should I quote a statute or precedent when talking to them about this?

Thanks again!


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Update: On using the advice of Witch Consumer, Parcel Monkey have agreed to refund the cost of the courier payment ie £63, but have stated that they cannot compensate for the damage to the oven as it is on their 'excluded' list and is carried out my own risk. Should I accept (I've been given 14 days) or pursue for the repair/replacement cost of the oven? It seems they have admitted responsibility in a limited refund, but it does not cover the huge financial loss of the oven itself.



Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Bit of an insult offering the delivery costs back isn't it, no I wouldn't accept, I think the photos you have are all the evidence you need to prove their negle t you can however accept what they hav3 offered you in part payment if you wish, just make sure you make that clear in writing. Oh and back up those photos in as many places as possible!


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Hi, since Parcel Monkey rejected any further action regarding the damage to the cooker, I am left wondering what to do next.. Could you advise please?

Kind regards