Phone from Hell (threeNetwork)


New Member
Nov 20, 2012
Hope you can Help
I have a phone that does not charge so at first I ring the help line.They said to change leads charger ect.. still not working at this stage the phone is about one month old (24 month contract).so they tell me it must go to be repaired so off it goes for a week get it back take it home does,nt charge. phone again book in agian off to be repaired get it back still does,nt charge phone there complaints line they phone back four days later i ask for the phone to be replace they say no will only send off to be repaired. what should I do? Help

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Firstly you have to be very adament with them as this company has real problems understanding their legal obligations.

The phone is an integral part of your contract, they didn't give it to you as a free gift, they MUST provide you with a working phone or they are in breach of said contract.

Nor do you have to repeatedly send it off for repair for the same fault, they can make 'reasonable attempts' to repair it, that boat has already sailed.

Tell them, in words of one syllable that either they replace the phone or cancel the contract, that way, they at least have a choice :D

If you get no joy, submit a complaint through their complaints procedure and give us a shout.


New Member
Nov 20, 2012
Hi I have talk with the complaints people about the phone and all they would do is offer to have the phone repaired?I repeatedly ask for the phone to be replaced point blank no and as far as there concerned case close because they offered me that.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Submit a complaint in writing to their complaints department, they have 8 weeks to respond unfortunately then you can take the complaint further.

It has been previous court action regarding faulty handsets which prove the handset is part of the contract (ie the contract is useless without a working phone)

As this phone has been faulty from new, it should have been replaced by now.

Personally I'd go for cancellation as 3 must be one of the worst companies in the world for customer service, may be cheap but you get what you pay for.