Refund for faulty shoes


New Member
Jun 2, 2012
I purchased a pair of new cycling shoes from an ebay shop for £100, I wore them once and the black dye from the inside of the shoe lining has stained my socks, I have only worn them for about 2hrs and it was a dry evening.
I have asked the shop for a refund and they have refused saying that this is normal for sports shoes and that I should continue wearing the same socks until the dye stops coming out and they will refund the cost of the socks.
I have written back disagreeing also saying as I ride daily its unhygenic to continue wearing the same socks
I have said that under the sales of goods act the shoes are not of satisfactory quality and not fit for purpose as they are causing damage, they responded saying the sales of goods act doesnt cover used items :(

Am I entitled to a refund?
