returning clothes help


New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could help me know my rights in terms of returning some leggings i bought 4 days ago. I bought them and wore them the same day and whilst i was pulling them up it put a hole in the side. These were not cheap leggings and i dont have long nails so i dont think they should have ripped. I went to take them back today and was told by the girl that because i had taken the label off and worn them it just looks like ive caught them, so its my fault and i cant return them! Frankly im annoyed because i dont even want a refund i just wanted new leggings. Can anybody advise me as to whether i have any rights here? Any help would be apreciated :)

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
They can't refuse to take back faulty goods and any clothes should last longer than their first outing, take them back and quote the sale of goods act which says goods must be of reasonable quality and fit for purpose