Terms & Conditions help


New Member
May 23, 2012
Hi there, Can anyone help please...I want to know where I stand re T&Cs for distance learning.

When checking T&Cs for an online college it states that: -

10. Cancellation

According to the Distance Selling Regulations 2000, you have a cooling off period of seven working days from receipt of goods. This period allows an unconditional right to cancel. You will be required to make such a request in writing to us at the address given above, and, at your cost return any received materials in a satisfactory and reasonable condition.

My question is: -

Does this mean from receipt of my 'Introductory Pack', which included my first three 'lessons' (all course material was non personal, so could be used by another student), or as the college is now trying to telling me, from the date of enrolment, although there is nowhere in their small print that states this?

Thanking you in anticipation