Trainer debate


New Member
Feb 20, 2013
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone can help me on this one.

I went into a sports shop yesterday, asked to speak to someone who knew about running and the different types of trainers as the way I run means that only some types of trainers are suitable for me. I spoke to a young lad who understood that I under pronate when I run and recommended that the trainers I was looking at would be suitable for me so i bought them!

I went out for a short run today and now have back ache, my legs hurt and my knees hurt. I was running with low quality trainers previously with no problems which indicates that the trainers I bought are quite obviously not suitable for me. The trainers were supposed to have super duper gel padding apart from anything else but it actually felt like there was no padding and I was, in fact, running with a piece of cardboard tied to my feet!!!

I want to return them and get a refund but am I likely to get this given that I've worn them for half an hour. My thinking is that until you use them to run on you won't know if they're any good?!!
