uncomfortable custom made orthotics


New Member
Apr 22, 2012
Early last year I was advised by my oestopath to get some orthotics as I had over-pronation of the ankle which I bought from Shrupody. The orthotics worked great but after a few months my achiles become inflamed. I went back to the shop to get some advise. The Poditrist said I had worn out the orthotics because of the amount of exercise I do. (I play basketball at a high level and teach zumbaclasses). He put a heal raiser on my orthotics, but did say I would probably need to replace them soon. He recommended having an assessment done and orthotics prescribed for my feet. I went away and thought about it and decided to have the assessment done. After wearing the prescribed orthoticsfor a week or two I found my achiles become more inflamed. I went back to see my oestopath and he said the orthodics I had were quite hard as they were plastic and I could do with having them covered or cushioned.
I went back to Shrupody for my check up and told the podiatrist what my
oestopath had recommended. He then put a cushioned sole on my orthotics
which I had to pay for. I did query why I had to pay for it when I had paid
£150 for the assessment and orthotic and I had also paid out a further £40
for my achiles to be treated. He said I could have my next check up for
free. Since having the cushioning put on the orthotics they have felt better
and my achiles have gradually started to heel. The problem I have is that
the orthodics now don't fit into all my shoes. They only fit comfortably in
about 3 pairs of my shoes. The ones they do fit in have left the shoes
looking very wide and out of shape. I am extremely disappointed that I have
paid £150 for orthotics that I can't wear in all my shoes. I have had to buy a
seperate pair for my zumba shoes. I did say to the Podiatrist that they
couldn't fit in all my shoe, but all he could say was if he took the
cushioning of I would have the same problem as before. My lifestyle is such
I do wear a variety of different types of shoes. I feel like I have wasted
my money getting the assessment done and have consequently ended up paying out a lot more money.

I wrote to Shrupody to ask for my money back. They refused and offered me a free foot treatment. Their reply was

'The issue of the orthotics not fitting is something that is out the hands of the podiatrist and as stated the orthotics have initially resolved the problems of the achilles tendonitis. Having looked at the prescription and activity levels the device given was the best on offer and all others are bulky. fitting into shoes is not an issue that the podiatrist is able to judge'

I thought that is what a podiatrist job was to ensure orthotics fit correctly and are fit for purpose. Can I take this matter further as I feel like Ive wasted £150