Urgent Help please with new carpet problems


New Member
Oct 19, 2013
Hi everyone, new to forum need some help please
4weeks ago I had a new 80/20 60oz wool carpet costing 2+K put in my living room. A couple of days after I saw what appeared to be lines going across the carpet, then everyday more and more appeared, it's now nearly the full length of the carpet,there is also big dark patches as though something has been spilt on it. It looks like a very very old carpet. Asked the shop to inspect it, amazed at what he said, it's not the carpet it's your floor you'll have to overboard it at a cost of hundreds of pounds I think this is rubbish as I haven't had this problem before, floor in very good condition even the fitters commented how good it is.
I think that it may be the carpet itself or the underlay which he recommended and I questioned quite a few times before fitting as I was unsure about it As I always use tredaire colours red.

Also can anyone tell me if retailers are supposed to give prices by the metre or yards, they state in their adverts Can't buy cheaper or will give you £1000 I did shop around numerous retailers and the price he quoted was cheaper but I was totally unaware he was quoting £xx per sq yard and sq metre as other retailers do. I'am an OAP and feel I have been conned
Please can anyone give me any advice on what to do. Thank you

The Carpet Man

New Member
Nov 10, 2013
Hi Herbie7,

sorry to hear about your issue with your new carpet. if your not having any help from your retailer you will need to do a little investigation yourself.

I assume from your post the lines are across the width of your room, first run your hand over the pile to see if you can feel a ridge. If so this is either your floorboards or the underlay. What distance are the lines apart?

Carefully lift a corner of the carpet and measure the distance of your floorboards, if it matches the distance between lines you have then confirmed it's the floorboards.

If the floorboards are the issue it may have not been visible with your old carpet due to the style of the carpet. If you provide a little more info I will try to give some more advice.

Regarding the dark patch, where is this located? In front of furniture? In a doorway?

The tufts in a carpet normally all lean in the same direction, however due to foot pressure you occasionally get a section of tufts which lean in the opposite direction to the main area of carpet. When any light reflects off this area dark or light patches can be created.

Again if you supply a little more info I will try to give more advice.

Regarding the carpet price advertisement, the majority of local independent retailers still advertise is sq yds, unfortunately there are no real rules as to how to advertise the price of a carpet however manufacturers mostly use sq mtr.

sorry I can't be much more help, however if you supply a little more info I will try to help you with your issues.