Vodafone contract


New Member
Jun 11, 2012
I took a phone contract out with Vodafone. I had a brain bleed, which resulted in a stroke and blood clots and had to have brain surgery. While I lay in intensive care on a ventilator my daughter in law phoned vodafone and explained what had happened and asked if she could cancel my phone contract, she was told no. When I came out of hospital, I couldnt use the phone, so for 15 months I paid over £41 a month for something that I couldnt use. I tried to cancel but was told on numerous occasions that I was tied into a contract. When my contract ran out I phoned them up to cancel, since then I have received a letter from them saying that I owe £41 as I was a week late cancalling. I phoned them up and they got it down to £20, I explained to them that I feel I owe them nothing as I have paid over £600 for something that I couldnt use, but to be honest they did not seem interested. Since then I have received a letter from a debt collector saying that I should pay £23. I phoned the debt collector and said its not the money but its the principle now, to which he told me my family should have sent a medical note to vodafone, as I explained to him at the time my family was more interested that I should live, and plus they was not told to do this by vodafone Surely vodafone should use their common sense in situations like this. I really do not want to pay. What should I do.
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Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Legally they are within their rights, morally it is very, very wrong to hold a person to a contract when they are obviously too ill to fight or to get the benefit of that contract.

I have been in the same position so I understand exectly how you feel an how fighting Vodafone would be the last thing on your mind.

I personally think companies, especially those the size of VF, should make allowances in exceptional circumstances and I think you are right in refusing to pay this ridiculous fee.

When the DCA contact you again, simply write telling them the matter is in dispute and they must refer it back to VF, if they don't do this you should report them to the FSA as they have a code they are supposed to work to.

Then take up an official complaint with VF and if necessary take it to the ombudsman service.

Hope you are now fully recovered an ready for the fight, if you want any further help, please shout again.


New Member
Jun 11, 2012
Thank you for the reply, it was very helpful. I have sent an email of complaint to vodafone, so hopefully they will phone. I can not write as my right side was affected, so it is easier to send them an email.
I am determined not to pay out of principle, although it would be easier. But thats not me lol.
To be truthful I am disgusted with vodafone. Anyway thank you once again.

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