What are my rights with false description???

v RiCkO x

New Member
Oct 2, 2012
i recently purchased a fishing shelter for £170 from very, over the internet. the picture and description both state that the item has a removeable front. it clearly says this in the description and the picture shows this. The shelter i have recieved is open fronted and has no removeable door. i have now seen another item with the same description online for £250 so it is clearly an error on verys side. They have given the wrong description and image.

Am i within my rights to demand the item described??? as they do stock it but for a higher price. Is it breach of contract or something?? or do i have to just accept a refund??? i dont want a refund i want the item i saw described at the price i paid for it. please help

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
All goods have to be as described and although a retailer can withdraw goods from sale if they make a mistake in the description or advertised price the deal is done in your case so they should provide the goods you agreed to purchase