Will not refund Jewellry


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
Hi all,

Not to sure where to go with this and thought i would try here:

I bought a nice earings and necklace set for my good lady in late Nov 11 when i was in the UK as i was currently working abroad (i'm in the Forces) and was home for a long weekend. The jewellry was to be used for a Christmas present and i stipulated that if the wife didn't like them could i bring it back for a refund when i returned to the UK in Feb 12.

The girl said this would not be a problem and promised me i could bring them back.

I went back in Feb 12 and was told they couldn't give me a refund as the earings were not in a protective bag. The problem i have with this is they were not put in this bag when they gave them to me and the jewellry is in exactly the same condition as when they gave them to me.

I spoke with the store assistant manager who said she couldn't exchange/refund them because they are not in a plastic bag. When i pointed out they are the same as when i bought them she didn't believe me and told me to ring customer services.

I rang customer services who agreed with me i should get a refund, then spoke with the manager and changed their mind and told me there was nothing i could do. I then emailed customer services explaining all this and got an email back saying there was nothing that could be done, funnily enough from exactly the same person i spoke to on the phone.

Is there anything i can do or am i stuck with some jewellry that the wife doesn't like?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
Earrings can be excluded from exchange/refund for obvious health reasons, think their excuse that they weren't in a plastic bag is a bit poor tho, unless they meant they should be in a sealed plastic bag and only returned if the bag was unopened?


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
The plastic bag I refer to is a sealed bag that the earings should have come in, but my issue is the shop sold them to me without putting them in said bag.

How can i put earings in a sealed bag if they don't even come with them????

Witch consumer

Sep 8, 2008
Debtors retreat
This is your word against theirs and not sure of the way round it, they don't have to take earrings back, they obviously know this but they can't prove whether they were in a sealed bag or not when they sold them to you. You could go to Consumer Direct (number above) and they may cave in if you do but I don't think there's any guarantee. Are we talking high value items? (not that I want you to tell the Mrs how much you paid!)