Wimsew 737 Overlocker


New Member
Jun 26, 2012

I purchased a Wimsew 737 on 25th May 2012 and ever since I have not been able to use it due to problems experianced with this machine. firstly, I feel that as the setting up was left to me with little experiance of an Industrial Overlocker. I had to take it to another Company to set it up at my own expense as the instructions are not easily understood as it is a bad interripitation from Chinese to English. It cost my an additional £58. Today I have tried to use it yet again and now I find that the lower cutter will not stay in place to allow me to use the overlocker also the lower looper keeps on breaking the thread. I am at my tether as I bought this industrial overlocker to enable me to overlock at a much faster pace and as of today I have in fact only been able to sew 12 cloths, in 1 month of having the overlocker. I think this is really unfair and would like to return it for a refund. At £625 it was not a cheap overlocker.

Would I be in my rights to return it for a refund???? Or even exchange it for another Overlocker from the same supplier.

Your thoughts comments would be most appreciated.

