Some unsolicited emails or letters come from fraudulent psychics or clairvoyants. These are particularly distasteful because they prefer to prey specifically on the vulnerable. In many cases these messages have been sent to people who have suffered some type of misfortune such as the death of a loved one, and are quite obviously very distressing.
Sometimes these messages can have ominous undertones intended to convince the recipients that something dreadful will happen if they do not reply to the mailing by sending money. In another variation of this scam, the fake clairvoyants suggest that they have seen either wonderful or horrible events in your future that they need to tell you about. Naturally, they require a payment from you before they will reveal what they have ‘seen’.
If you receive mail of this nature, treat it like the scam that it is and delete or destroy it without a second thought. Do not even consider responding to such mailings, because the only thing that is guaranteed is that you will lose money and will get a barrage of other scam mailing in return.
I entered a prise competition for 25,000 pounds andhad to complete severeal questionaires before I could submit my entry. One of these was by a physic called TARA who offered me a free reading . After several attempts to retrieve this I finally got my reading but realised it was a scam as the information was dated from 1999 and of course she wanted me to continue so she could charge for a full reading. which I;m sure i would not have been able to retrieve either. I tried to unsubscribe but it would not let me. She still continues to send emails but I just delele them
Yes. I had the same experience. These emails are nasty, with threatening undertones which I feel could really disturb vulnerable people!! I tried responding and telling them basically to….off and that I would report them but to no avail. I too now just press the delete button but it’s a horrible nuisance!!
Will we ever meet the lovely Tar face to face???
This is really shocking! I am appalled by the fact that there are people of this ilk contacting vulnerable people in times of crisis to pawn themselves in a most ingratiating way to weedle people’s hard-earned money out of them! It disgusts me! I am a Clairvoyant Medium myself and refuse to work with people who have recently experienced a bereavement. I certainly explain that perhaps they ought to talk to their other relatives and maybe a professional doctor before contacting someone like myself, and I don’t contact ANY person-they contact me. Although I have a website, you will see that I have deliberately withheld instant payment methods to whit some internet “clairvoyants” incorporate into theirs. I prefer to work in the context of providing reassurance and closure and am not a Clairvoyant Medium for the money. I understand that I have to live, and that I am providing a service. However, I am not geared towards the ethos clairvoyance=money. I wish others would desist in practicing subterfuge rather than the real deal, but unfortunately, this type of subject is ‘running alive’ with ‘crackpots’ and con-artists and is for the consumer independently to research before buying into the product, so to speak. I am not a product, I am a person. I try to discourage my friends and acquaintances from contacting these internet psychics, at least until they have researched the issue first, but I certainly don’t peddle myself as an alternative, I leave it to them to make the choice if they wish. I, myself have come across people who are delusional about their abilities as a psychic person, and are operating on the pretext that their guesses and ability of reading people can get them through, and there are hundreds of people taking money from others through churches and other methods for supposed services simply because they can. If you frequent those places where like-minded people congregate you will be able to sift out these charletons and see for yourself who you believe to be a gifted individual so that you can make an informed choice. Some people unfortunately are going to be vulnerable and gullible and convinceable even with this advice. With any product, it is for the individual to just delete unwanted emails and to discern what they term themselves unwarranted. Hateful practice, immoral but not illegal!
My son is getting these mails. What I suggest we all do is open the mail, take out any addressed envelopes and put something heavy inside. then post it without a stamp. Then tape up the original letter and write ‘ return to sender at their expense’ If everyone did this the fraudsters would have to spend money instead of receiving it. Get them at their own game!
If I get these sort of mail in the post I do just that!!!. Send their post back without a stamp and let them pickup the tab!!!, and right on their mail DONT SEND YOUR CRAP HERE AGAIN.
Not only phsycic Scam’s be warned on this scam!!!!. A email was sent to me from-AMIR saying he lives in Birmingham, and worked for a woman who has passed a on, he’s 36 and doesn’t speak very good English. The deseaced left him a box with documents/jewelry, the documents related to an account with the Belfast bank. To cut a long story short, he asked if I would conspire with him to defraud this bank give him my personal details and pass me off as a relative via his solicitor. So I gave a false name and details and informed the police, I hope this is informative and please do the same as me if you get these sort of emails!!!!!.