For the second year running, second hand cars purchased from independent dealers topped the list of complaints received by Consumer Direct.

In total, Consumer Direct received 41,880 complaints about second hand cars bought from independent traders, up 18 per cent on the previous year. Complaints about mobile phone service agreements came second, up 49 per cent and complaints about TVs came third, up 14 per cent.

Michele Shambrook, Operations Manager for Consumer Direct said that the rise in complaints in 2007 reflected, in part, a growing awareness of the service among the general public as well as an increased willingness among consumers to complain when they buy unsatisfactory goods or receive poor service. She went on to say that consumers are finding that by arming themselves with information about their rights, they stand a better chance of resolving problems with shops and traders.

A recent customer survey showed that over half the callers to Consumer Direct who successfully resolved their complaint saved more than £100 per person. Of the 878 callers surveyed who had successfully resolved their complaint after calling Consumer Direct, 52 per cent had managed to save over £100 through refunds, repairs and replacements and nine per cent had saved more than £1000. The survey also showed that callers had benefited significantly from reduced worry and stress.

Complaint types Number of complaints 2006 Number of complaints 2007 % increase
1. Second hand cars purchased from independent dealers 35392 41880 18%
2. Mobile Phones (service agreements) 23338 34679 49%
3. TVs 17337 19744 14%
4. Mobile Phones (hardware) 16338 17760 9%
5. Personal Goods and Services (other) 13153 16976 29%
6. General building work (other) 15355 15598 2%
7. Car repairs and servicing from independent garage 13686 15253 11%
8. Upholstered furniture 13549 14024 4%
9. Internet Service Providers 9436 13536 43%
10. Second hand cars purchased from franchise dealer 11957 13322 11%
Total Complaints 2007 695463 819815 18%