Gardening tip


Apr 22, 2009
If you are new to gardening, or have a new and empty garden, the best advice I can give is to talk to gardeners - they are a friendly and generous lot. Most perennials (plants that come every year, but die back in winter) need to be split into smaller bits every couple of years to rejuvenate them. Good gardeners end up with more plants than they need, and it breaks hearts to compost leftovers. If you see a plant in a garden that you like the look of, never be too shy to ask the owner if they are splitting and could spare a bit. Splitting is done in Spring and Autumn, but some people will there and then do you an 'irishman's cutting', and find a little piece from the base of a plant, that comes away with roots!
Do be bold, but please never 'help yourself' - that's just rude!!!