Nationwide Visa Chargeback, Easier to get Voldemorts phone no. than their direct line


New Member
Jan 13, 2014
Hi there, I ordered some DVD's online and when they arrived discovered not only were they counterfeit, they also damaged my DVD player as well! After putting them on, the DVD player began making this unholy churning noise that sounded like the little girl in The Exorcist :eek:
I ended up throwing the damaged, pirated remains of the counterfeit discs in the bin, as they were totally useless and not what I had originally paid for.

I paid via Visa Debit Card and raised a claim/chargeback with them via their disputes team.
Fast forward several weeks later, they are STILL dragging their feet and still have not refunded me my money. I think they're playing the long game :rolleyes:

Now, as the discs were COUNTERFEIT which is actually ILLEGAL I'm pretty sure they should have refunded me my money by now, but instead they are stretching it out and seem to be hoping that I will just give up - which I will never do!

I was hoping someone could advise me on how to proceed and what I should do next please? Thankyou! :)


New Member
Jan 22, 2014
Re: Nationwide Visa Chargeback, Easier to get Voldemorts phone no. than their direct

I think sometimes it may be needed to take matters further than the company! Isn't there an ombudsman for things like this? There is for most other things! :)